Sunday, June 29, 2008

Does The Pottery Barn Catalogue Count As Summer Reading?

"Decorate your home. It gives the illusion that your life is more interesting than it really is." ~Charles M. Schulz

I could have spent the last two months pursuing a great many edifying projects. I could have finished the five or six John Piper books I stopped reading after two chapters. I could have memorized "Rhapsody in Blue." I could have learned how to cook a pot roast. I could have planted an herb garden. I could have picked up conversational French. Sadly, I didn't do any of these things. Instead, I spent the last two months scouring the internet for home decorating ideas.

Thus, I can't post on Piper's insights, Gershwin's genius, a pot roast recipe that will make your mouth water, the health benefits of thyme or how to order strawberries with whipped cream in French. However, I can show you all of the adorable home decor objects I discovered.

I know that I'm swimming in the shallow end of the pool, but think of the benefits you might receive because of my intellectual sacrifice. Since I've already done the heavy lifting, you can just skim through the following links and perhaps find something for your place while still having time to finish Anna Karenina.

Disneyland Attraction Posters. Many of you know that proximity to Disneyland was a major deciding factor in my choice of college. As a little kid I always liked looking at the attraction posters in the entrance tunnel and eagerly planning which attraction I'd ride first. Now you can hang one of these posters in your very own home. They come as large as 36" x 48" and feature all your favorites including "Autopia" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" as well as classics like "Adventures Through Inner Space." I'm planning on hanging the "Peoplemover" poster in my guest room.

Marimekko Tea Towels. I've been a big Marimekko fan since high school, but haven't found a way to incorporate their crisp and colorful fabrics into my decorating until now. Anna at Door Sixteen had the brilliant idea of framing a tea towel (they're huge - 18.5 x 27.5!). It's a wonderful alternative to a poster and gives a room a nice punch of 1960's whimsy without overwhelming it. Plus, the tea towels are under $20. I particularly like the "Mansikka" print with the gorgeous strawberries.

Anthropologie Bowls. I've never understood how some people are able to skip breakfast. Even when I had early morning classes in college, I always made sure I woke up in time to run to the cafeteria and grab a sourdough bagel smothered in peanut butter and honey. (On Saturdays I substituted the honey for handfuls of white chocolate chips - don't knock it 'til you try it.) I still eat breakfast every day and have recently taken to meals of hot chocolate, nectarines, and oatmeal. Eating out of any one of these bowls (especially the Pink Inside Out Bowl - it's microwave safe!) will ensure that breakfast won't just be the most important meal of the day, it will be the most glamorous.

Prestidigitation Artwork. This is some of the coolest children's artwork I've seen and if I ever have kids, I desperately want to decorate the nursery with the alphabet series. Where else can you find prints such as "A Is For Alligators Who Wear Too Much Argyle" or "X Is For Xiphias And X Marks The Spot?" There's also some great prints of interesting words like "Dactylonomy" and "Intertessellation," featuring their definitions, pronunciations, and the way to form the letters in American Sign Language. "Circumambulation" is one of my favorites and would look splendid in my bedroom.

Target Monogram Doormat. I adore monograms and if I could, I'd incorporate my initials in every room. (Frighteningly narcissistic or delightfully whimsical? You be the judge.) This doormat allows me to tastefully indulge my monogram mania without going overboard.

So there are a few ideas to get you started. Enjoy Anna Karenina. I need to get back to the Crate And Barrel Summer Sale catalogue.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Form, Schmorm

I've mentioned that I tend to be behind the times (I don't know how to work an iPod, I record shows with my VCR, I say "nifty", etc.) and apparently this also applies to commenting on blogs.

I recently read an interesting article on why guys dislike church, which spawned a rash of comments. One commenter suggested eliminating kids' Sunday school, which spawned even more comments. Not surprisingly, this children's director was riled up and I decided to compose an airtight defense of the institution. I mulled over my arguments for days and was eventually ready to post my brilliant and life changing rebuttal. Unfortunately, there were at least five new articles on the site and no one was commenting about Sunday school anymore. My brilliance would have to go to waste.

It was at this point that I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be great if you had some sort of personal web based forum where you could post your thoughts and ideas whenever you wanted?" And then I thought, "Wait a minute. Didn't you used to have one of these personal web based forums? And didn't you post somewhat faithfully until you bought a condo and devoted your life to painting and choosing light fixtures?"

And so I dusted off my laptop, logged into Blogger and prepared to write "The Case For Sunday School" (this title would undoubtedly be replaced by something cuter, probably referencing a song title.) But as my confident little fingers hit the keys, a new thought suddenly entered my mind. I thoroughly believe that my church should provide programs for kids on Sunday mornings. But maybe some other churches shouldn't. Given the make-up and culture of the congregation, it might be more effective for some churches to keep kids in the main service. Maybe (gasp!) both options can be right (and this comes from a girl who believes that ones choice of ice cream flavor is an issue of right or wrong.)

This got me thinking about form. It seems we place a strong emphasis on right and wrong ways of "doing church." (Incidentally, I love how the word "doing" adds gravitas to anything. I'm going to start throwing around phrases like, "doing shopping for shoes" or "doing eating my cheeseburger.") For instance: Purchasing a permanent building vs. meeting in a public space. Megachurches vs. home churches. Age specific classes vs. integrated worship. 30 minute sermons vs. 90 minute sermons. Pews vs. chairs. This all seems to suggest that if you can just embrace the right form, you'll do church the right way.

I disagree. While the New Testament has many commands concerning the mission and behavior of the church, it has far less to say about the specific form of the church. We need to cover the essentials, but there appears to be a lot of freedom in how local churches choose to implement these essentials. A program that effectively disciples children at one church may be a complete flop at another. Meeting in a coffee shop or bar might draw lots of new people in one city and might alienate people in another.

I think that the way each individual church applies God's commands needs to be informed by its specific community and culture. And perhaps less informed by books and conferences. Maybe there is more than one right way to run a church.

Let me know what you think. Perhaps I'm wrong and you're right. Or maybe you're wrong and I'm right. Or maybe we're both right.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Excuses Bay Area Residents Use To Justify Paying Four Times The National Average In Housing: Part One

Heath Bar, Caramel and Hot Fudge Sundaes at Fenton's. Rest assured that I lapped up every drop of that pool of chocolate on the plate.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


The early 90’s were truly the golden age of computer games. I spent many an afternoon attempting to uncover “Where in the USA is Carmen San Diego?” (Given that I can’t locate anything in Eastern Europe, “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?” might have been a better option.) I loved “Jeopardy” and learned many cheerful facts (including that prostitution is also known as the world’s oldest profession.) I took daily journeys down the “Oregon Trail” and always named my passengers John, Laurie, Jenny, Jeffrey, and Cassie (after my rabbit.) Sadly, it pained me much more to read that my rabbit had cholera or diphtheria than my brother or parents. Seeing “Cassie is dead” emblazoned at the bottom of the screen brought a little lump to my throat.

The one game I never liked was “SimCity” (I’m not a big civil engineering enthusiast), but my brother and cousins spent hours constructing residential areas, factories, and parks. Well, for your enjoyment and edification, I’ve constructed a little game called “SimChurch” (and by "game" I mean "question you can ponder and then comment about on this blog.")

The more I read the New Testament, the more I realize how much freedom we have in conducting large group church meetings. So what would you do if you got to design a service from the ground up? What traditional elements might you exclude? What new elements might you embrace? How long would it be? How often would it be? Would you include kids and teenagers?

Here’s my tentative SimChurch plan:

11:00-11:10: Personal Testimony/Open Praise and Thanksgiving Sharing
11:10-11:20: Corporate Prayer Concerning Community, Nation, Church Members, Missionaries, Persecuted Church, etc.
11:20-11:40: Sermon
11:40-11:50: Questions and Discussion About the Sermon
11:50-12:00: Music and Communion
12:00: A Hearty Lunch and Sports/Games

I think we'd include all ages in this gathering and then have a midweek synagogue school style meeting for the kids.

I'd love to read your ideas. Post away!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Captain Vegetable

Corn and potatoes are the only vegetables I really enjoy, and I've been informed that they're technically starches. So it's no wonder that the "Captain Vegetable" sketch on Sesame Street terrified me as a child. A creepy rabbit turning poor little kids' delicious food into carrots and celery? That's the stuff of nightmares.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mission Statement: Impossible

The year was 2002. Everyone was listening to a promising new artist named Alicia Keys. The Osbournes won an Emmy for best reality show. Scientists reported a new type of black hole. A little indie movie called My Big Fat Greek Wedding struck box office gold. Martha Stewart was accused of insider trading. And I was an idealistic young children's director, fresh out of college and ready to change the world.

According to some experts, I couldn't change the world until I'd written a mission statement (not to be confused with a vision statement, which I apparently also needed.) So I got right to work. I toiled over those mission and vision statements. I wanted them to encapsulate every single conviction about children's ministry that I'd come to embrace over four years of college. And I didn't want them to sound like everyone else's mission and vision statements. Mine had to be unique. Distinctive. Awe-inspiring. To put it bluntly: the best children's ministry mission and vision statements ever written.

So after much labor, I finally produced two dazzling statements. And then I forgot them a week later. To this day, I really don't know what our children's ministry mission and vision statements are. I think they might have something to do with discipleship, but I could be wrong.

Thus, I think Isaac Watts' amazing hymn, Let Children Hear The Mighty Deeds is going to become our new mission statement. It pretty much sums up my major convictions about children's ministry and it rhymes!

Let children hear the mighty deeds
Which God performed of old;
Which in our younger years we saw,
And which our fathers told.

He bids us make His glories known,
His works of power and grace;
And we’ll convey His wonders down
Through every rising race.

Our lips shall tell them to our sons,
And they again to theirs;
That generations yet unborn
May teach them to their heirs.

Thus shall they learn in God alone,
Their hope securely stands;
That they may ne’er forget His works,
But practice His commands.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sit Down, You're Rockin' The Vote

As I've said before, I think voting is pretty swell and not just because you get a nifty "I Voted" sticker (although I always wear that sticker for the entirety of election day.) So, it's no surprise that I was rather miffed when I read that Dr. James Dobson plans not to vote in the 2008 election if Senator John McCain receives the Republican nomination.

I'm tempted to launch into an "everyone and their brother needs to vote" rant, but I'm discovering the importance of thinking before I blog. Therefore, I'll put a few questions to you instead.

1. Do you think it's ever appropriate to abstain from voting? If so, when?

2. What potential good could come from abstaining from voting?

Your thoughts and opinions would be most appreciated. And a quick shout out to JP Sander! See, now you've been mentioned on a blog.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I've Got The Music In Me

"How Can I Keep From Singing?" is not only an excellent hymn by Robert Lowry, but it could also be the title of my autobiography. I seriously sing all the time. I sing "Jenny, that was so stupid" to myself when I do something stupid. I sing harmony to every song on the radio (with the exception of any wretched tune by James Blunt or Snow Patrol.) I sing "Why are we going so slow?" when I'm behind a driver doing 30 in a 65 mph zone. I sing "I'm so excited!" if a friend tells me we're going out for ice cream. I sing "Let's go out to the lobby, let's go out to the lobby, let's go out to the lobby, and have ourselves a story" when I'm coaxing my Sunday schoolers to come out for story time (they're even faster if I threaten to continue singing.)

While you may not enjoy spending half of your day in song, I hope you enjoy this fantastic hymn. It's climbing the charts and may actually break into my top ten (it's currently neck and neck with "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.")

My life flows on in endless song;
Above earth’s lamentation
I hear the sweet though far off hymn
That hails a new creation:
Through all the tumult and the strife
I hear the music ringing;
It finds an echo in my soul,
How can I keep from singing?

What though my joys and comforts die?
The Lord my Savior liveth;
What though the darkness gather round!
Songs in the night He giveth:
No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that refuge clinging;
Since Christ is Lord of Heav’n and earth,
How can I keep from singing?

I lift mine eyes; the cloud grows thin;
I see the blue above it;
And day by day this pathway smoothes
Since first I learned to love it:
The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,
A fountain ever springing:
All things are mine since I am His,
How can I keep from singing?

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

It's A Bird, It's a Plane . . .

It's Super Tuesday!

I truly enjoy voting and went to the polls this morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed.

When I gave my address and last name to one of the volunteers, he looked at his roster and then said "Republican" in a slightly surprised tone.

I jokingly remarked, "Yeah, I think I'm probably one of three in this area" to which the other volunteer replied, "Actually, I think there are six."

Vote early, and vote often!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Queue And A

I hate winter. I hate the bitterly cold days (granted, in the Bay Area “bitterly cold” is technically anything under 60 degrees, but still . . .) I hate how night begins at 4:30 p.m. and ends at 8:00 a.m. I hate that I can’t wear any of my adorable short sleeved blouses. And most of all, I hate the abysmal winter movie season.

It’s no secret that movie studios choose to unload their lousiest movies during the winter months. I guess it makes sense strategically. It’s way too early to release the Oscar contenders and the big budget popcorn flicks will probably make more in spring and summer. But couldn’t those studio executives show us poor moviegoers some compassion? We’re already freezing and stressed out about taxes, do we really need to sit through a romantic comedy with Abigail Breslin?

If you’d like to avoid the winter onslaught of mediocre movies but still want a way to unwind on a Friday night, let me suggest you add some of the following films to your Netflix queue. Or you could always go see Paris Hilton’s latest, The Hottie and the Nottie.

My Kid Could Paint That: This documentary was one of my favorite films of 2007. It tells the story of child artist Marla Olmstead, who sold her first painting at age four and became an overnight media sensation only to fall from grace when 60 Minutes suggested that she might not be sole creator of her work. It’s a fascinating story and probes questions such as “Who decides what makes art good?” “Is modern art a sham?” and “What ethical standards govern documentary making?” Plus, the Olmstead children are quite possibly the cutest kids to ever roam the earth. Watch it with friends and then go out for coffee and discuss.

Stardust: I’m a sucker for fairy tales and damsels in distress and this August 2007 release is a winner. I think it’s the best of its genre since The Princess Bride and it actually made me like Claire Danes, which is high praise. It’s funny and sweet and doesn’t take itself too seriously – a great little jewel of a film.

Sketches of Frank Gehry: I pride myself on knowing a little bit about a lot of things and I’m not afraid to fake my way through lots of conversations on that small amount of information. However, there are three subjects that I won’t even attempt to discuss: Geography, Baseball, and Architecture. But now that I’ve seen Sydney Pollack’s sharp documentary on architect Frank Gehry, I might be able to fake my way through a few more discussions. The film is an interesting look at Gehry’s creative process and was highly instructional and entertaining. Plus, I think it might help me up my Jeopardy score.

Once: Let it be known that I have absolutely no problem with a character suddenly breaking into a song and dance routine in a busy street in the middle of a movie. However, I understand that this might not be everyone’s cup of tea. Once is one of those rare musicals for people who don’t like musicals. It’s realistic and thoughtful, the songs never feel out of place, and the music is simply gorgeous. The movie develops gently, but I sobbed through the last two minutes. If you don’t rent it, at the very least download “Falling Slowly” from the soundtrack.

So those are my picks. What are yours?

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Jane's Addiction

Mark your calendars, because Masterpiece Theater is about to present the BEST SERIES EVER.