Thursday, April 24, 2008


The early 90’s were truly the golden age of computer games. I spent many an afternoon attempting to uncover “Where in the USA is Carmen San Diego?” (Given that I can’t locate anything in Eastern Europe, “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?” might have been a better option.) I loved “Jeopardy” and learned many cheerful facts (including that prostitution is also known as the world’s oldest profession.) I took daily journeys down the “Oregon Trail” and always named my passengers John, Laurie, Jenny, Jeffrey, and Cassie (after my rabbit.) Sadly, it pained me much more to read that my rabbit had cholera or diphtheria than my brother or parents. Seeing “Cassie is dead” emblazoned at the bottom of the screen brought a little lump to my throat.

The one game I never liked was “SimCity” (I’m not a big civil engineering enthusiast), but my brother and cousins spent hours constructing residential areas, factories, and parks. Well, for your enjoyment and edification, I’ve constructed a little game called “SimChurch” (and by "game" I mean "question you can ponder and then comment about on this blog.")

The more I read the New Testament, the more I realize how much freedom we have in conducting large group church meetings. So what would you do if you got to design a service from the ground up? What traditional elements might you exclude? What new elements might you embrace? How long would it be? How often would it be? Would you include kids and teenagers?

Here’s my tentative SimChurch plan:

11:00-11:10: Personal Testimony/Open Praise and Thanksgiving Sharing
11:10-11:20: Corporate Prayer Concerning Community, Nation, Church Members, Missionaries, Persecuted Church, etc.
11:20-11:40: Sermon
11:40-11:50: Questions and Discussion About the Sermon
11:50-12:00: Music and Communion
12:00: A Hearty Lunch and Sports/Games

I think we'd include all ages in this gathering and then have a midweek synagogue school style meeting for the kids.

I'd love to read your ideas. Post away!


Toph said...

While I was never a Sims fan, I did enjoy Roller Coaster Tycoon quite a bit. One of the biggest discoveries I had was that I could drown unhappy guests to raise the total happiness level of the park. Perhaps it's not the best way to run a church, but it's a good back-up plan (joking, joking).

Personally, I would scrap the 5 minutes of mandatory meet new people, and provide food and touch football at the end. I would get to know others much better through sports and burgers than handshakes.

Carrie Allen said...

Hi Jenny!

I am down for your sim church plan.

Also, wanted to let you know that I commented back on Andrew's post...just read your response right now...
